2) The sun is out! And there's no wind, so it feels like almost 50 degrees! I had the front door open while I cleaned this morning and I was only wearing a teeshirt (and pants) and wasn't cold at all!
3) I bought a couch on Craigslist (for cheap!) on Wednedsay and Mike helped me move the living room around today and now my apartment is finally cute and comfortably livable!
4) I know I said three but I just thought of another thing! I have the internet at home now! That could also be bad.
Here are some pictures of my insanely tiny but (finally!) cute apartment:
The outside still needs a little work, but...
Here's where my car is parked, next to the barn where the cows hang out:
Edited 1.19.08 to add a few more pics:
Trying to keep the main living area warm with a space heater, these are the doors to the bathroom, our bedroom, the linen closet (uber skinny door) and the "spare" bedroom (aka walk-in closet). I just thought it looked sort of cool:
(The angle is from sitting at our little eating "nook".)
Hope you enjoyed this episode of our tiny adorable apartment as much as I do.
Your apartment is SO cute! I even really like the outside (that's a great color). I'm glad you posted these pictures so that I can imagine you in your new setting...
Aw, thanks! I like it too! I know, it only took me nearly a year of living out here to post pictures of where I live. Oh well, TODAY I am officially proud of where I live! It may not be much, but it's home to me.
wow, that's amazing! you make it look so warm and comfy even though it's so small. I like the outside too!
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