Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Secret Tsunami Handshake

So I am confused.

I just heard on the radio:
"There's going to be a tsunami warning."

I think, what? So, that's not the warning, the warning is to come?

But then they say:
It's only a test.
But when they run the warning, it won't be indicated that it's a test.

So I think:
That’s just weird and I don’t get it.

So then they say a few more times:
They would not indicate it was a test
So the general public might think it’s real
But don’t panic
Because it’s only a test.
Then they said it would happen sometime between 10:15 and 10:45
But nobody knew when it would happen
So be prepared.
But it’s only a test.

Then they played a song
And afterward they said
“So that was painless.”
Apparently it happened already...?

They said “It came and went, we are home free, for those of you who didn’t notice, the tsunami warning test has already happened.”

So the fact that they said this makes me think at least I’m not the only lunatic who maybe didn’t notice.
But my question is
How effective is this so-called tsunami warning
Fake or not
If people don’t even notice it happens?
Is it like a secret handshake?
A secret tsunami warning
And if you don’t know what to listen for
Well you’d better know how to swim.*

*Sometimes I feel like that kid who didn't get the joke that everyone else is splitting a gut over a little too often. At least I live a block outside of the tsunami zone. I hope it's enough. But I'm not panicking, because it was only a test.


Laurie Stark said...

That is SO weird!! I think Secret Tsunami Handshake should be your first band name, should you ever start one. Or maybe the title of your first book.

West Coast Midwestern said...

Since the odds of me being in a band are currently slim to none (no musical skills, unless I can play the cow bell or triangle) I will plan on this being my first book title. Excellent suggestion!