Here's some super fantastic news I want to tell you:
Mike Warren is in the Spring 2009 issue of The Flow.

I don't own a copy of the magazine yet, so I snagged the front cover from their website at You can see Mike's name in the bottom right corner (fourth name from the bottom).
The Flow is a magazine for the lampworking community (I believe I borrowed that wording right off their front cover). The article featuring Mike is about his seashells, and how he makes them.
Here's a photo of the featured shell (and one of the photos from the article):

The photography and text for the article are by Yours Truly, which technically means I'm published too. It's exciting, y'all. And we have even received a few emails from people who saw the article and want their very own seashell!
(The photos throughout this post are all in the article, but there are many more pictures that you will have to see the article for yourself to be able to view.)

Much more exciting times ahead. More to tell you about, but it's late and I gotta get to bed. Tomorrow we will be at a festival selling our wares.

Oh, and in other, slightly related news, I am working hard to get our Etsy store going. For those who don't know, is an artsy eBay-esque website where artists sell their handmade art. We are planning a jewelry line to begin with to be available ASAHP (that's As Soon as Humanly Possible).

Our seller name there is openfireglass as well. I'll post another note here when items are available, but you can feel free to pop over and check it out anytime you'd like at
So, if you'd like to know Mike's secrets about how to make a glass seashell, some of them are available in the spring issue of The Flow magazine.
Happy Trails,
You both inspire me! How wonderful!!
Coming from you, Miss Laurie, that is a huge huge compliment, thank you!
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