It's a White Bird of Paradise:

I told Mike we needed to name the plant. He said, "Okay, you go ahead and name the plant, and talk to it, and whatever else you want to do."
Which basically translates into, "Don't expect me to participate in this weird behavior with you." (We'll see.)
So, I decided to call her Bird, and I also decided that the name "Bird" sounds feminine, so that's why she's a she.
So, with a plant named Bird and an adult dog named Baby, it's obvious we are a little confused around here.
In other, basically related news, we have a kitchen table, a real one, for the first time since I moved out here. Yay, us. Best part about it: it was $75 for the whole works. Thanks, craigslist.

Pretty soon, Kaya and I are going to embark on a painting project with the chairs, out on the back deck, of course. The table is made of oak and is pretty nice, so I'm vetoing painting the table.
And since I'm in a sharing mood, here's a photo of Mike's rug. It's been in storage until we moved here. It's a lion and lioness, and I like it.

And here's the new shower curtain Kaya and I picked out at Target.

(Okay I know that's weird, but it's pretty and I like it, and I would have you all come over to see all this stuff if you lived closer, but you don't, so I improvise. Plus, it's the little things in life that should give us joy, right? Well, I'm joyful about my new shower curtain.)
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