Monday, June 15, 2009

Josh and I (okay and Mike) made a video - and we really like it

I went in to Mike's studio a week ago and shot some footage of him blowing glass. Over the weekend Josh edited it and put it together into a video that we can use to promote Mike's work. We think it's pretty awesome, and wanted to share it with you.

It'll also be up on our work website:

ENJOY, hope you like it for a first effort; let me know what you think! (Even if you think it needs some work.)

And can you see what he is making???


Spudster said...

Sweet! I do have a couple "preferences":

* Ease up on the post-production. I would have appreciated fewer special effects and more adjustments for "camera shake".

* Where's the close-up of the finished product!?!? A final "360" after the kiln would have been a sweet ending.

West Coast Midwestern said...

Cool, thanks, Spudster! This is the exact same type of feedback I've been getting elsewhere, which only reinforces what you say!

I do have answers for you, well at least on the special effects and not adjusting the camera-shake: my 13-year-old stepson made it and had little patience for what I was requesting out of him. So he will have to adjust and grow on that point in future videos, definitely!

Also, he taught me some things so I think I know enough to do the video editing next time, and I will be doing everything in my power to cut out the camera shake moments and make it a cleaner video. (His one comment was the second half of the video was "boring" because it had little effects. I personally preferred the second half of the video for just that reason! I guess that is a 13-year-old boy for you these days. He only wants to watch movies with big explosions, you know that sort of thing.)

Thanks for the feedback on that! I wholeheartedly agree with you!

Secondly, I have no excuses - we will include a photograph next time. As soon as I get a professional photograph of the shell I'll see how easily I can add that to the end - shouldn't be too tough!

Thanks again for your feedback, and for watching our video!

Laurie Stark said...

Dude, Josh is freaking awesome! I def agree that we need a 360 of the finished product (though I didn't think of that until Spudster mentioned it). But while I'm usually not a fan of too many special effects in a video, I actually think most of it worked really well here! Or rather, I think Josh might tone some of it down once he's got the Experimenting Fever out of his system, but I think he has really good instincts. For example, the effects tended to work really well with the music, which is a hard thing to do, and they kept the video interesting during long shots that could have gotten boring. He kept each bit going just long enough and then switched up the speed or effect right when my eye would have started wandering! He has a great eye for that!

I think something that might help in the future would be a greater variety of camera angles / jump cuts (you could cut out, for example, and just show a few seconds of each step of the process). That way you can create more variety/interest without having to resort to as many special effects.

What a fantastic first effort! I loved it!

Anonymous said...

It's neat for those of us who have no idea how that is done to get a little glimpse. I would be so scared to do that indoors with the flame going and all...

West Coast Midwestern said...

YIFO, I was super excited to give your feedback in particular to Josh since you are a freelance artist who has done many of your own videos, and yours are very well-done.

I agreed with every point you made. Thank you so much for your comments.

Noise Bursts, stay tuned for even more and better videos to come! I know what you mean, since before I knew my partner Mike I had little to no idea how this stuff was done! That's what we are hoping to accomplish with these videos: educate the masses and also help people to feel connected with the artist!