So, it's not pinkeye, and it's not the Humboldt Crud. It's the flu. According to the news, there is a flu epidemic (or is pandemic?) going on in 45 states right now, and the hospitals are full. This isn't that 24-hour flu that is nasty as all get-out and then you move on with your life. No, siree. This is the THREE-WEEK flu that is nasty as all get-out, and then in your weakened state you stagger on with your life.
So I have been wanting to lose some weight, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind.
Last week I went to exactly one day of work. So far this week, I've been to work one day as well, which is not exactly a good track record (nor is it my norm). Monday morning I felt OK, but by the afternoon my splitting headache and my ringing ears and my firey sore throat feeling like I was trying to choke down a tennis ball every time I swallowed (which is, like, a lot, we swallow a lot, you might not notice unless your throat hurts for six days straight) should have been a clue that I needed to call it a day. I forced myself to suffer through the day, went to my first Photoshop class that I have already paid for and was so excited about, and then Tuesday I paid for it, all day. Today, I'm significantly better than yesterday, but I think I need to not push myself. Which means, I'm working on getting to work, so I can acoomplish something, but taking a shower and getting dressed caused me to lie down and take an hour nap. It's pathetic.
I actually had one of our board members telling me Monday that I wasn't taking this flu seriously enough. Because I was at work. Um, we are four 1/2 weeks to this festival, and I haven't even gotten the vendor contracts out the the door yet. I'm trying to take it all seriously. This is just the worst timing ever.
So, anyway. I don't have the Humboldt Crud. Which is like, yay for me, I guess. Apparently it's a rite of passage or so the crazy locals say. As I've never had it, I wouldn't know if it's preferred to this flu crap that I have, but I'm seriously thinking that anything would be better than this. Definitely melodramatic, i.e. me.
Also, now that I have read that the easiest way to catch the flu is by touching your mouth and face with dirty hands, I am hyper aware of the fact that I touch my face a lot. I also wash my hands a lot, but all it takes is one time with not-so-clean hands. And my computer at work is not exactly just used by me. It's like the town bicycle of computers. So now I get to be obsessed about yet another thing. Awesome.
P.S. As I cited no sources for this little epi(or pan)demic, just type "flu current" into your search engine and you'll see what I'm talking about. Or you can just take my word for it.
P.P.S. OK, here is one link: - the states in brown mean the flu is widespread there. As you can see, Florida is currently the place to be.