Seven weeks to the jazz festival, and still lots and lots to do.
Taking a photoshop class at College of the Redwoods starting February 25.
Volunteering/working in trade for glass classes doing office work at the hot glass studio where Mike works. First glass class will be end of this month, on a Saturday. I will try to make something cool.
Being "stepmom" on the weekends to 10-year-old Kaya and 12-year-old Josh, having all kinds of fun times, including baking cookies, having snow fights*, racing to the end of the street, learning hot glass techniques at their dad's shop, watching movies like Madagascar and Open Season, having sleepovers camp-out style on the living room floor, and other bonding-like moments.
Working on getting Mike's artwork up on various glass artist websites, will post links when I'm done.
Planning a trip home to Wisconsin some time in late April/early May, details to follow once airline tickets are bought and vacation time at work is approved, not in that particular order (vacation time is unofficially approved, but not the specific dates yet).
*For the record, it only snowed here that one day. Yes, I'm bragging a little. You all have each other, albeit having each other in 10 feet of snow. Two thousand miles away from my beloved family, I have to hold on to whatever I can, so I will "brag" about the fact that there is no snow here. Ha ha. And I'm sorry. I hope you all are being safe and staying warm.
Camping out:
Hanging out at the glass studio:
Playing with puppies:
You are so rad, Naomi. I love this life that you're creating for yourself.
Aw, thanks, Laurie, you are pretty rad your ol' self.
Wow, what cute kids! And that looks more like a puppy/twizzler studio than a glass studio. I see no glass.
Glad you're having fun, dear! (It's weird thinking of you as a stepmom but you are a doggone cool one)
It's weird thinking of me that way too.
If you look in the background of one of the puppy/kid pics you can see outlines and shadows that could be glass - ha - I will be posting up pictures of the guys at work as well as pictures of the fruits of their labor (i.e. glass items) at another time, so stay tuned. Maybe Mike will take pictures of me when I take the glass class, and then I'll post those up too, maybe...
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