This may not look like much, but it started out as four different pictures, and I combined them into one four-layered picture, wait, five-layered picture (the words make their own layer, don't I sound smart, yeah, right). I also cropped, selected, filtered, rotated, and a whole bunch of other fun verbs that I now cannot recall, these picture items to create the one "lovely" picture item you see above.
Yeah, so why did I think Photoshop was hard? Oh, yeah, because 1) my boss insisted that he did not have time to show me how to edit text in ads he made using Photoshop and 2) my boyfriend insisted he didn't have time to show me how to manipulate and edit pictures using Photoshop.
That's what I get for listening to them instead of to myself. Myself was all, "Naomi, you can totally do Photoshop without a class, girl," and I was all, "I don't know, Mike and Glenn don't think I can..."
So there were these old ladies in my class and most of Monday night was spent explaining to them where the pictures go when you transfer them from your camera to your computer; and how to rename a file and such things like that. But I did learn some useful things that the men in my life (i.e. boss and boyfriend) are just too swamped to show me, so it wasn't all for naught.
So now I will go kick some Photoshop ass. Or, at least, edit some Photoshop files at work and create some Photoshop files for Mike's work...
This is awesome! I was teaching myself Photoshop for like a year before I even figured out what layers are!
Well, then maybe I did get my money's worth! I also get a 50% discount off Photoshop for having taken the class, so that in itself makes it worth it.
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