Friday, February 22, 2008

The Crud

I think I have the Humboldt Crud. I have been sick for almost a week. It started out as the body ache, fever, flu yuckiness, and then segued seamlessly into the horribly sore throat, hacking cough, snot nose, headachy, earachy cocktail that I am currently enjoying.

Sorry to paint such a lovely picture.

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. With Monday being a holiday, I called in sick to work Tuesday and Wednesday, went to work on Thursday, and got sent back home with orders not to come back on Friday.

I've never had that happen before.

I never thought I'd miss the days of the good ol' 24-hour-bug. I mean, it was hardcore, but just when you thought you couldn't take it anymore, you got better.

I am so bored/lonely/tired/over this crap.

Now today my eye decided that it wanted to join the party and started oozing copious amounts of eye goo. Just my right eye though. Yes, eye goo is the technical term. I might be dying.

OK, I'm not dying. It's just the crud. Yay, Humboldt.

1 comment:

Charmingly Feisty said...

Sorry you're feeling so crummy. I hope someone is pampering you; it's even worse being sick all by yourself.

Sending brisk Wisconsin health vibes your way.