Saturday, February 23, 2008

On a better note

Mike and I celebrated our togetherness by him making his disgusting pinkeye girlfriend a lovely eggs, facon (that's fake bacon, it's quite good), and toast breakfast; and then sitting down together and writing a new goals list for 2008. It feels good to be a team. It feels a little bit like we're Bonnie and Clyde, but without the criminal part.

We also decided that we would celebrate our anniversary again/better/for real on March 12, when our Humboldt life together officially started. The hope is that by then I won't have [pinkeye, mumps, scarlet fever, insert obscure illness here].

Also, Mike brought me this herbal remedy called "Miracle 3000" or something like that, and he insists that a) it works, and b) I will take it at least 3 times a week so that I can stop being such a sicky.

True love in all its glory.