Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I've Made It to the Other Side (or, On Starting Over)

I have time to read books again! Clean my house again! Go for walks again! Watch the sunset again! Live my life again!

The Jazz Festival was incredible, and so hard, and lots of fun, and infinitely satisfying. I solved problems all weekend; that was my job description I'm pretty sure. There were glitches and hitches, people called me on my work cell, I solved them. At the end of the weekend we had a volunteer appreciation dinner and I had people constantly approaching me and hugging me, thanking me, for taking such good care of them, for helping them to do their jobs in an enjoyable manner. It was unexpected, and made the entire weekend worthwhile.

Up until Monday I had been working for weeks from 8 in the morning until sometimes 1 or 2 the next morning. I've never worked this hard in my life. But to see the Jazz Festival go off without a hitch (that the public eye could see), to see everything come together, and all these people joined together enjoying these wonderful bands, eating, drinking and being merry, made all that work worth it.

Now that I've had a few days of regular sleep to recover, my body and mind is finally starting to accept the relief that it is over! We made it! We did it!

So now it's back to a "normal" life, whatever that means. Today my boss and I are going to nail down that vacation time I have coming. I CAN'T WAIT! Spring is here, it's a new season, a new project, and a brand new outlook!

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