Photographs were taken by Naomi C., Josh W., and Kaya W.
(Also, there wasn't as much alcohol as it looks like there was - just a very small space for people to set down their glass or cup - and then somebody brought beer - NOT CLASSY, but oh well. The whole thing was over by 9PM. And kids were involved. A totally family friendly scene.)
The gorgeous tablecloth is from my mom:
Sculpture by the featured artist:
Sculpture by the featured artist:
Closeup of the spread (the serving plates and bowls are from my mom):
We cleaned and rearranged and set up the gallery all day:
The partners (and a stray banjo player):
The musicians warming up:
Sculpture by featured artist:
Sculpture by featured artist:
Sculpture by featured artist:
Blurry musician getting his bass out of the back room:
More warming up:
Painting, called "Vision":
Painting, called "Starscape":
Old-timey country and blue grass jam band:
They sounded fantastic:
This is Ryan. He made the lampworked blown glass wine stoppers. This is a wine stopper demonstration right here:
Ryan's dog Chi Chi had to stay in the car:
The kids got here around 7:30. Kaya immediately stole my hat (looks better on her anyway):
Kaya posing for a picture by picking up random stuff off the ground (I've seen a history of Kaya's outdoor pictures and this is what she usually does):
The kids hammin' it up for me:
The night wouldn't be complete without a gratuitous picture of Baby:
(Josh wouldn't let us get a picture taken together - I think Kaya snuck one later.)
At this point, all pictures are either by Josh or Kaya:
Lampworked LED lightbulbs (they really work!):
I believe this is a picture of what you see when you look into the kaleidoscope:
Leaf Bowl by featured artist:
Ryan and Mike have serious glass-blowing conversation in what I call their twinspeak:
Kaya found my sharpie markers and a notebook:
So serious (I think they are talking about specific flames to use when using specific brands of torches.):
We made a sale!:
Josh asked me to pose like the sculpture:
I swear I did not take a picture of the Port Wine Cheese from WI (I didn't even know this cheese existed until moving to California; and yet I mentioned to someone that it was made in Wisconsin, and the rest of the night everyone said in a Midwestern accent "This cheese is from Wisconsin," or you know, their idea of a Midwestern accent.):
This is the one where Kaya said "I got one of you and Josh!":
Since the kids were so good their dad stopped off at the grocery store to get them ice cream. Kaya jumped into the driver seat and said "Take my picture!" and pretended to be driving/crashing:
A success!
Everything looks beautiful! You guys did a fabulous job!
Nooooooooo! No spider!!
Other than that, what a fun night. I think I'm jealous of your life.
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