And in return I got this:
Mike tells me I'm "a dork" for thinking this is some kind of sign that KMUD loves me too, since I, um, included the envelope with postage and my address written on it; and, well, I specifically requested this sticker. But, I seriously was expecting NO RESPONSE because they are busy, and I only requested one sticker. I got two, y'all. Proof that they love me too.
In other KMUD-related news, Mike told me last weekend that I "validated him" with my love for KMUD. Because when he first came out to Wisconsin he was like, "Let's listen to KMUD on the computer," and I was like, "We have community radio stations here too," and he was like, "Not like KMUD."
Dudes, he was totally right. (OK, I think I've been reading Your Ill-Fitting Overcoat's blog "too much" lately because now I have adopted her "dudes" phrasing that she is so fond of. If not that, then it came from my fellow Californians, because you know that stereotype about talking like a "valley person" - more PC than valley girl since guys here do it too - well, it's totally true. Teenagers in Wisconsin and grown-ups in California talk the same. I kid you not.)
Feel free to steal 'dudes'. I picked it up from reading far, far too much Dinosaur Comics (if such a thing is possible, which I doubt).
And I think this definitely proves that KMUD loves you back.
Laurie, you totally rock! (I'm sure you know by now I stole "y'all" from you as well - yeah, hi, I'm from the Midwest, we say "you guys" or sometimes "youse guys.")
And no, it's not actually possible to ever read too many dinosaur comics. They are pure genius.
I totally knew they would send the stickers. How could they NOT?
We should start sending requests from all over the country...
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