We entered Baby into a "Best Trick" contest after Mike and the kids spent no more than 24 hours teaching her how to jump through a hoop.
The stage area where the contests are going to take place:
Waiting for our turn in the contest:
The trick:
Waiting for the results:
Baby didn't win, but she should have! A lot of people came up to us and said she should have won, and her applause was by far the loudest. I think the judges knew one of the other contestants or something.
So, the kids wanted to buy her a shirt for being such a good sport. This is what they picked out:
We went to the car to eat some snacks, and play with the dog before it was time for me to start my volunteer shift.
Kaya humoring me:
The rest of the pictures are by Kaya:
Me with my volunteer backstage pass:
(My shirt says "Classy Lassie," and I think it was perfect for an event such as Woofstock.)
These are my favorite pictures, all of which Kaya took, of Mike and Baby playing:
Now Baby gets to rest a bit:
And now Baby gets to do her favorite pastime, which is climbing trees:
Kaya's a very good photographer, don't you think?
I have a video too of the kids and Mike practicing in the driveway with Baby and the hoop (tire) that she jumps through, but I can't get it to upload to YouTube. I will continue trying and hopefully post that too, as live and in action is really the way to see this trick. I still think Kaya did an excellent job catching the essence of it on film though. It's really neat to see the kids be so proud of their dog.
I declare Woofstock a total success. It was so cool to see all the dogs interact with one another, to see proud owners parade their dogs around and to talk to other dog owners about the wonders that is owning a dog.
Those are great photos, you're both good at taking pictures. And that tree is awesome!! *I* want to climb it!
It looks like the kind of day that, when you get home, you feel really tired but in a good and relaxing way. I hope that was the case!
Your dog is amazing! OMG!
That is a really cool trick and I am totally impressed. I've been to two summertime dog festival things this year, and there have been zero cool pet tricks like that at either one of them. Usually it's just people showing how they can make their dog sit. Lame!
Also I can't believe she can climb trees!!!! That is incredible and I wish I could see in person!!
I wish you were not all the way on the other coast so we could have a play date with Indy.
Daily Onion,
I wish I lived closer so we could have play dates with our dogs too. You could always relocate to northern California...! Although your house is super adorable and I am sure you would really want to move after you just bought a house.
Sunshiny Snowstorm,
Is it annoying when people make up variations of your online name? Probably. That said, I have never been much of a tree climber that I know of, but the kids LOVE to climb trees too! You would have a literal field day in the redwoods! It's absolutely nature's coolest playground, and the kids never tire of running around and climbing everything they can!
That's amazing!! She jumps so high!!
And I have never seen a dog climb a tree, that's crazy!
I KNOW! I have never seen a dog climb a tree either, but that ain't nuthin' - you should see her in the REDWOOD FOREST - dude, it is AMAZING. DUDE.
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