Without further adieu (I'd hope not!), MY LOVELY WISCONSIN TRIP PHOTO ALBUM:
Cookout at Ben and Stacie's (pictures by Stacie):
Mmmmmmm, brats and potato salad, mmmmmmmmmm:
I think Benny might have taken this one of Stacie:
Avery's field trip to the Henry Vilas Zoo:
Mike and Anya's adorable new house (at night); and the top of my rental car:
When I would try to sleep at night, Amourette would remind me that it was her time now, and that the porch room is actually her room:
My "porch room" that Hayley and Dan made for me - it was the perfect place to stay!:
The mess is all me:
Newspaper over the windows for maximum privacy:
I spent a lot of time with Hayley and Dan and their cat, Amourette:
Ben came over sometimes:
This is a debate about some song being in some movie or some such thing:
I think Ben was dancing as proof that he was right:
Going out with Hayley and Dan:
Hayley looked radiant:
This is obviously what happens when you request a man to cooperate for a picture:
He made up for it:
We were at Jolly Bob's:
They just take such cute pictures; I can't help it:
Mural on Willy Street:
Poster for Stephen Marley Show on the door of Jamerica:
Hayley and Dan either trying to leave or resting in the car or hiding from my camera/me, probably all three:
Speaking of how cool Jamerica is:
More strolling (see, they got back out of the car):
Something in somebody's yard:
Sitting on a bench by the lake that may or may not be in somebody's yard, either that or public property:
Can you see the lake in the background? And the pretty sky from the sunset:
A maypole(?) in somebody's yard:
We walked by this park, which obviously calls for me taking a picture of Hayley next to the sign (this was totally my weird idea, as if that is necessary to say):
I always wondered:
Hot Nuts:
Thinking about Hot Nuts (this is not ambiguous, please only take it at face value):
Bartender posing by Hot Nuts so I can take his picture, and no, I did not make this request, nor did I want a picture:
Some other patron decided to buy me some Hot Nuts since I was so obsessed with the concept (that being a gumball machine that keeps the nuts hot):
Picking out tunes on the jukebox:
Recognize that guy?:
I think here I am in awe of the list of Wisconsin brews on the marker board, something I don't see when out on the town in California:
Where we were:
Driving home (see the Capitol building!?):
I think I was trying to take a picture of me with the Capitol, but it didn't work:
Oh, look, there's the Capitol again; I don't know how it got there:
Hayley no longer capable of properly humoring me:
We were watching The Beatles' HELP!:
My adorable rental car (I loved the color!):
Walking down the bike trail with Benny:
The start of the Tornado Warning Day:
Eeesh. (It looked worse in real life.):
To Be Continued... Stay tuned for Part II to come to a blog near you soon (it's THIS ONE).
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