Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Letters with Love (and Self-Addressed Stamped Envelopes)

So I picked up this bumper sticker at the KMUD (my favorite radio station) Booth at the Blues by the Bay Festival. It was a very cool bumper sticker, and I was planning on putting it on my laptop or my thermos. The sticker was "free," but I put a couple of dollars into the donation bucket for it. Because nothing is free, y'all.

And then it (the sticker) went missing... only to reappear later on Mike's thermos.

Which is NOT my thermos (my thermos gets washed daily - Mike's thermos behavior is questionable).

So, being the optimistic and creative being that I am, I decided to be very happy that Mike liked the sticker so much. And then I wrote this letter to KMUD:

September 9, 2008

Dear KMUD,

First of all, you all are so awesome. Thank you so much for all that you do.

Second, please accept this meager donation* regardless of whether or not you can complete my request.

Speaking of which: Do you have a bumper sticker that is black and white and says "People Powered Radio" that you can send me? If so, I have included a self-addressed stamped envelope. If not, that's OK.

Thanks again!

A loyal listener,
Naomi C****

And then I sent it to KMUD. I hope it works. (But if it doesn't I will still be my optimistic and happy self.)


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