Friday, May 23, 2008

The Actual Number of the Temperature Means Nothing


OK, it's not actually "freezing" - it is mid-50's, which is the same temperature it usually is. Apparently though, temperatures here are meaningless. It is the same 10 degree range year round (with the exception of the "HEAT WAVE" of last week - it was 85 degrees people, that is HARDLY a heat wave for anywhere else, but on the north Pacific coast it was HOT; and with 100% humidity it was terribly sticky here for a day or two - it was brilliant and I loved it - we went swimming in the ocean and laid on towels in the sand and were like actual normal beach-going people) and that 10 degree range can feel either gloriously warm on your skin or bitterly cold, depending on the status of the air, i.e. lovely cool breeze vs. bone-chilling wind.

So, my point is, temperatures here are meaningless.

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