Friday, September 5, 2008

Happy Friday

I hope everyone is having a really great day. I don't have much to say. This weekend is Woofstock, another week has gone by at the gallery, Mike and I are working to get his art into as many places as possible and having success (the only hold-up is that Mike can only make it so fast), I've been taking Magnesium and I think it is helping my positivity and activity and motivation a lot. I stopped using an alarm clock quite a long time ago and go to bed fairly early most nights, waking up like clockwork around 7 AM. Quiet mornings full of peace all to myself, when I can read without interruption, get some housework done, go for a walk. It's my absolute favorite time of the day now.

So that's what's up with me. How about you? I miss my loved one's voices, hope to hear from you, plan to call you. xxoo

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