Wednesday, September 3, 2008

News Flash: Everyone Who Camps Should Own This

My self-inflating roll-up mattress, that is.* It is a DREAM! It rolls up to the size of a yoga mat, and Mike and I figured out that if you unroll it and leave it alone for about 30 minutes it really does fill up with a whole bunch of air all on its own! And then you just blow into it a bit more to top it off, and voila! It's amazing! And I only paid $34 for it. Worth. Every. Penny.

Now I just need to get ear plugs to block out the racket of my fellow campers who are either independently wealthy and don't have to work the next day or are from a different planet and therefore don't need to sleep.**

*Well, not MINE exactly, but one LIKE mine would be ideal.
**Or yeah, the next day was Labor Day and technically I didn't work the next day either, but I just like to sleep more than other people, maybe?

Edited 9.4.08 to add: I slept really comfortably on this mattress, in case that wasn't clear. The self-inflating part is only a bonus, and not the whole show. Seriously, folks. I slept really well ON THE GROUND. You have no idea what a huge accomplishment this is. Maybe you do. It is HUGE. Like, Donald Trump HUGE. You know what I'm talkin' about.


Charmingly Feisty said...

Don't make me start craving a self-inflating mattress. I really have no use for one, although I could consider it an adult version of those toys you put in water to watch them grow.

Seriously, you should be in marketing!

West Coast Midwestern said...

Well, I am definitely in favor of NOT CONSUMING when not necessary, so therefore I don't think I could ethically go into marketing! But thank you very much for the compliment! And please DO NOT BUY THIS ITEM if you do not truly need it. It will be novel for about 30 seconds and then you will go "Thanks a LOT, Naomi, really!"