Saturday, March 31, 2007

Vinyasa (Friday, March 30)

I did one 10 minute yoga yesterday and two 10 minute yogas today. (Yogas?)

Writing in a journal everyday is good for one's internal well-being. So is learning something new like Yoga.

I'm getting better at my vinyasa but I'm still not as graceful as I'd like. Feeling yourself improve is exciting and gratifying.

I have a lampworking textbook Mike lent me to study - so I know Mike's trade and can write/speak/promote it correctly.

This is super exciting to me too.

My life is hard. It consists of:

1) deciding if I want to switch the pink laces in my Roo shoes for black ones with white polka dots (they are both so cool)

2) sitting in the sunny warm sun and talking to family members on the phone

3) looking at glass art books to learn key phrases

Oh, boy.

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