Friday, March 23, 2007

Wednesday, March 21

We are on the road again. Driving to Santa Rosa to get my stuff. I noticed it was much easier to take care of my things when it was just what could fit in my car. I'm sorta depressed at the thought of having to take care of more things again, but the paradox is that when I see my stuff, I really like so much of it. I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too. Choices, choices.

At any rate, we rented a U-Haul in Santa Rosa and after transferring the contents of the freight cube to the U-Haul, I will follow Mike back up the 101 in my car. This was the most efficient use of our money/resources. It wasn't worth it, to me, to get a one-way rental car and spend an extra $100 to be together for four hours. We are together constantly. I love Mike but this will be a nice break for both of us.

I need my own job. I need to get out of the house and meet people.

I decided after spending about five hours in the sun that I love my hair color. It has nice highlights where the bleach streaks were. For whatever that is worth.

So I ended up driving and that means I could not write. By the time we got home I was too beat to write about my day so instead I made a list. Maybe I'll write more/expand on that list later.

Here's my list regarding the day:
Hopland - Real Goods
Bluebird Cafe
Feminism - the radical notion that women are people
grease on my jeans
indoor garden shops
pink flowered trees everywhere
purple flowered trees everywhere
white flowered trees everywhere
Tsunami Turf
Wine Country

I just reread this list aloud and realized I love where I live. Yes, I do.

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