Saturday, April 21, 2007


I feel increasingly icked out by all the chemicals in everything I own: lotions, shampoos, hair dyes, soaps, face wash, toothpaste! Not to even mention foods! What about toilet paper!?

Oh my gosh, it's so overwhelming.

(That's why it's a good thing that one of my "mottos" is "Do what you can.")

P.S. The other day we bought chlorine-free toilet paper made out of 80% post consumer recycled paper. It's not much different than other toilet paper and was actually cheaper by a long shot than the other brands. That's moving in the right direction, I think.

Edited to add: I think I got that toilet paper thing wrong. It's 100% recycled paper, 80% post consumer content, whatever that means. No dyes and bleaches to be flushed into the water system.


Charmingly Feisty said...

Hello there! Post-consumer content means that it's recycled newspapers and paper plates and stuff like that. Items that actual human people have used and recycled. Otherwise, it's just leftovers from paper-making factories or something. Does that make sense?


West Coast Midwestern said...

Sweet! It's like refried beans, only way better! (Sorry, really bad joke.)